*NEW* C128 VERIFIZER (40 or 80 column mode) 1989-06 and up (volume 9 issue 5 of the Transactor Magazine) ****************************************************************** My Deluxe version ;-) 0 rem modified version 1 rem lived.ch, 10th of November 2023 5 print chr$(147) 10 color 0,13: rem background 15 color 4,13: rem border 20 color 5,16: rem ink (or poke 241,15) 25 f$="transactor source code verifizer 1989" 30 char 0,1,0,f$:print:color 5,12 40 for a = 1 to 40:printchr$(192);:next 100 rem save"0:cl28vfz.ldr",8 110 rem c- 128 verifizer 120 rem bugs fixed: 125 rem 1) works in 80 column mode. 130 rem 2) sys 3072,0 now works. 140 rem *********************************** 150 rem by joel m. rubin 160 rem * data loader for "verifizer c 128" 170 rem * commodore c 128 version 180 rem * works in 40 or 80 column mode!!! 190 rem *********************************** 200 ch=0 210 for j=3072 to 3220 220 read x 230 poke j,x 240 ch=ch+x 250 gosub 1000 260 next 270 sound 1,2000,8,,,,2:sleep 1 280 print chr$(147):color 5,16 285 print f$:print:poke 241,11 287 for a = 1 to 40:printchr$(192);:next 290 print "all good!" 300 for a = 1 to 40:printchr$(192);:next 310 if ch<>18602 then print "checksum error": stop 325 poke 241,1: rem white cursor (Color 5,2) 320 print:print 330 print "sys 3072,1 to enable 340 print "sys 3072,0 to disable 350 end 360 rem : 500 data 170,208,11,165,253,141,2,3 510 data 165,254,141,3,3,96,l73,3 520 data 3,201,12,240,17,133,254,173 530 data 2,3,133,253,169,39,141, 2 540 data 3,169,l2,141,3,3,96,169 550 data 0,141,0,255,165,22,133,250 560 data 162,0,160,0,189,0,2,201 570 data 48,144,7,201,58,176,3,232 580 data 208,242,189,0,2,240,22,201 590 data 32,240,15,133,252,200,152,41 600 data 3,133,251,32,141,12,198,251 610 data 16,249,232,208,229,56,32,240 620 data 255,169,19,32,210,255,169,18 630 data 32,210,255,165,250,41,15,24 640 data 105,193,32,210,255,165,250,74 650 data 74,74,74,24,105,193,32,210 660 data 255,169,146,32,210,255,24,32 680 data 240,255,108,253,0,165,252,24 690 data 101,250,133,250,96 1000 rem modify according to 1001 rem data lines in case you want 1002 rem to use this method in your 1003 rem programs 1005 rem : 1010 ax=ax+1 1020 if ax>8 then ax=1:by=by+1:l=l+10 1030 if by>23 then printchr$(147):by=0 1040 char 0,1,4+(by),str$(500+l) 1050 sound 1,888,1,,,,3 1060 char 0,1+(ax*4),4+(by),str$(x) 1070 char 0,2,2,"total: "+str$(ch) 1080 return